SNAME offers competitive scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students of naval architecture, marine engineering, ocean engineering, or of other fields directly related to the maritime industry, as well as grants to SNAME student members through the Student Grant Program. Students with exceptional academic credentials are encouraged to apply.
Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt Undergraduate Scholarship
for having a passion for naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, and displaying evidence of professionalism and involvement in SNAME.
Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt founded M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. in 1947. Through the unending drive of its founders, the company grew to be one of the world's largest private naval architecture and marine engineering firms. The founders led the company in the design and development of all types of naval and commercial ships. The Rosenblatt's expertise extended from aircraft carriers and submarines to tankers, tugs and high performance craft. Many of the world's most innovative designs can be attributed to the company. SNAME remembers and celebrates the combined legacy of Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt through the scholarship dedicated in their names.
First awarded in 2007, the Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt Scholarship provides a maximum of $6,000 to an undergraduate scholar having a passion for naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, and displaying evidence of professionalism and involvement in SNAME. For more information, visit Requirements & Procedures.
Max award amount: $6,000
Deadline: 1 June
Robert N. and Helen H. Herbert Undergraduate Scholarship
for having a passion for naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, and displaying evidence of professionalism and involvement in SNAME.
In 1963, Robert N. Herbert, Naval Architects opened for business. Bob Herbert started this venture with a clear vision of the type of work he wanted to do, and most importantly, how he wanted to do business. His keen sense for innovation, and his honest, straightforward manner helped build long term relationships with his clients. Herbert was also an innovative employer who realized the importance of providing employees with a stake in the company. The company was incorporated as Herbert Engineering Corp. in 1975, with all shares owned by employees who actively participate in the company's management. SNAME remembers and celebrates the legacy of Robert N. Herbert and his wife through the scholarship dedicated in their name.
First awarded in 2008, the Robert N. and Helen H. Herbert Undergraduate Scholarship, formerly the Robert N. Herbert Undergraduate Scholarship, provides a maximum award of $6,000 to an undergraduate scholar having a passion for naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, and displaying evidence of professionalism and involvement in SNAME. For more information, visit Requirements & Procedures.
Max award amount: $6,000
Deadline: 1 June
SNAME's Graduate Scholarships Program bestows multiple scholarships in honor of SNAME Members. Applicants use a single application to apply for all scholarships within the program.
Since its inception in 1933, the SNAME Graduate Scholarship Program has awarded millions of dollars of scholarship awards to students that wish to pursue advanced studies in naval architecture, marine engineering, ocean engineering or in other fields directly related to the maritime industry. For more information, visit Requirements & Procedures.
Multiple awards of up to $21,000 are made annually, designated as follows:
For assistance contact:
Chris Volciak, Staff Accountant
+1 703.997.6704