Environmental Engineering CD
by Various Authors (2006)
This CD contains 266 papers encompassing almost every aspect of marine environmental protection and environmental engineering. Twelve contributing members of the joint Committee on Environmental Engineering, under the direction of chairman Cdr. Stephen P. Markle, P.E., undertook a review of ASNE and SNAME associated publications since 1984, and selected those that in their judgment and experience would be most helpful in their professional endeavors. The intent was to provide both historical perspective as well as cutting edge technology and processes in use today.
CD ISBN 09644311-8-1
Purchase CD List: $125.00 ♦ Members: $50.00 ♦ Student Members: $35.00
Small Craft Papers: SNAME Papers 1985-2002
by Various Authors (2003)
This CD contains over 300 papers on small craft, selected by the SNAME Small Craft Committee from the Society’s Transactions, journals, conferences, symposia, and Section meetings as most likely to be helpful to their colleagues in the small craft community in the pursuit of their professional endeavors - “one stop shopping, readily accessible and close at hand.”
ISBN: 0-939773-42-2 ♦ 1 lb
List: $175.00 ♦ Members: $65.00 ♦ Student Members: $40.00
Small Craft Papers: SNAME Papers 2002-2014
by Various Authors (2014)
This CD contains over 300 papers on small craft, selected by the SNAME Small Craft Committee from the Society’s Transactions, journals, conferences, symposia, and Section meetings as most likely to be helpful to their colleagues in the small craft community in the pursuit of their professional endeavors - “one stop shopping, readily accessible and close at hand.”
List: $175.00 ♦ Members: $65.00 ♦ Student Members: $40.00
Small Craft Papers: Historic Papers
By Various Authors (2014)
This CD contains over 300 papers on small craft, selected by the SNAME Small Craft Committee from the Society’s Transactions, journals, conferences, symposia, and Section meetings as most likely to be helpful to their colleagues in the small craft community in the pursuit of their professional endeavors - “one stop shopping, readily accessible and close at hand.”
List: $175.00 ♦ Members: $65.00 ♦ Student Members: $40.00
Sustainability in the Maritime Industry: A Collection of Relevant Papers
edited by Rich Delpizzo, Haifeng Wang, and Andrew Panek (2011)
The papers on the CD touch on the many different areas these new regulations impact, from emission control of ships operating in international waters, to environmental impacts in the shipyard. This collection represents over thirty years of technical information from various SNAME venues and contains both practical and theoretical knowledge pertaining to energy efficiency, sustainable design and environmental impact in marine design. It is a valuable compilation of technical information on a wide range of topics to increase the knowledge base of marine engineers and designers in both operation and design, addressing marine environmental and sustainability concerns that have become an increasingly crucial aspect to operating in today’s maritime industry.
ISBN: 978-0-939773-87-9 ♦ CD-ROM ♦ 1 lb
List: $150.00 ♦ Members: $50.00 ♦ Student Members: $35.00
SNAME Ferry Papers
edited by SNAME members Robert Latorre Chris Barry, John G. Hoyt III and Asher Davidson
This collection of relevant technical papers, covering on a broad range of topics relevant to the design of both passenger and vehicle ferries, and includes papers from the beginnings of SNAME in 1893 to today. Covering historic, practical and theoretical knowledge pertaining to the design of both passenger and vehicle ferries, it is a valuable compilation of technical information on a wide range of topics to increase the knowledge base of naval architects, marine engineers and designers in both operation and design, in the following topic areas: Air Cushion, Damage, Design, Environmental, Ferry Specific, Habitability, Hydrofoil, Maneuvering, Operations, Performance, Propulsion, Safety, Seakeeping, Stability, Structures, SWATH, Systems, Vibration, Waterjet, and Welding.
List: $250.00 ♦ Members: $125.00 ♦ Student Members: $50.00