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The Vice Admiral E. L. Cochrane Award


Best Peer-Reviewed Paper Published by SNAME from Conferences, Symposia, “Featured Papers,” Non Ship Production Papers of the Journal of Ship Production and Design, and Non Archival Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting
Johanna M. Daniel, Max G. Schuster, Gyde Andresen-Paulsen, Florian Holz, Kurt Wittekind, and Sören Ehlers

for their paper
" Advanced Prediction Model for Underwater Noise Emissions of Ships"
Journal of Ship Production and Design, November 2022


Honorable Mentions

Michele Francesco Melis, Heikki Hansen, Martin Fischer, and Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud

for their paper
"Velocity Prediction Program for a Hydrofoiling Lake Racer"
Journal of Sailing Technology, 2022, Issue 01


Daniel P. Vieira, Rodrigo M. Amarante, Kam Y. Kang, Lariuss Zago,
Raul Dotta, Rodrigo S. Lavieri, Claudio M. Sampaio, and Kazuo Nishimoto

for their paper
"FLNG Parametric Design: A Synthesis Modeling Approach"
Journal of Ship Production and Design, May 2022



  • About The Vice Admiral E. L. Cochrane Award
  • Cochrane Recipients

About The Vice Admiral E. L. Cochrane Award

The Vice Admiral E.L. Cochrane Award is presented to the author of Best Peer-Reviewed Paper Published by SNAME from Conferences, Symposia, “Featured Papers”, Non Ship Production Papers of the Journal of Ship Production and Design, and Non Archival Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting.

It was instituted by the Executive Committee in 1961 to succeed The President’s Award, which was first presented in 1946. Note that ship production papers are considered for the Elmer L. Hann Award and Archival Papers are considered for the American Bureau of Shipping - Captain Joseph H. Linnard Prize. The title of the award is "The Vice Admiral E. L. Cochrane Award." The award is a medallion suitably inscribed. Eligibility for the award need not be limited to membership in SNAME. In the case of co-authors, each receives an award.

The “Featured Papers” Committee will recommend to the Awards Committee one Cochrane Award nominee, and two Honorable Mention nominees for the Cochrane Award based on their evaluation of significance of the paper’s subject, originality and technical quality. The nomination will require a majority vote of the Awards Committee. Announcement and notification of the award will be made upon approval by the Awards Committee. The award will be presented with suitable ceremonies at such time as the President of SNAME may arrange. The award may be bestowed annually.