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EC-14 Underwater Noise

The purpose of EC-14 is to provide:

  • A forum for broad-based discussion of vessel-generated underwater noise: its sources, impact on the marine mammals, and means of reduction
  • To provide technical support for the development of appropriate policies and practices for the reduction of underwater radiated noise

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Technical and Research (SNAME T&R) Program Environmental Engineering Committee (EEC) has created Panel EC-14 to perform this work. The Chair of the EEC shall appoint the Chair of Panel E-14. Panel Members will be invited to participate by the Panel Chair, and shall be members of SNAME in good standing. Persons who are determined by Members of the Panel to have expertise relevant to the business of the Panel, but are not members of SNAME, may be invited by the Chair to join Panel EC-14 in accordance with SNAME T&R Standard Practice: they must be members in good standing of another professional society or organization and their Panel membership must be approved by the Chair of the parent Committee (EEC) and the Chair of the T&R Steering Committee.

Although SNAME, as a professional Society, is primarily concerned with the design, construction, and operation of marine vehicles, it is expected that EC-14 Members will include persons with experience in marine biology, environmental science, government, and regulatory bodies as well as vessel design, vessel and/or propulsor hydrodynamics, manufacturing, maintenance, and operations. Meetings will be held in a virtual sense via teleconference or GoToMeeting. It is anticipated that meetings will be held once per quarter. EC-14’s activities will include, but are not limited to:
•Preparation of technical white papers
•Updating and maintenance of existing SNAME publications related to underwater noise
•Development of guidance documents for designers and operators
•Providing technical support for other organizations, such as Green Marine, to further the reduction of underwater noise and its impact on the marine environment

If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact the Committee Chair

Committee Members