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The Value of a SNAME Membership

What's in it For You?

SNAME, formed in 1893 to serve naval architects and marine engineers, has evolved over the years to serve the full spectrum of the vessel life cycle, including:  

Students - Educators/Researchers - Engineers/Designers - Shipbuilders - Manufacturers - Operators - Recyclers/Salvors

Together these make up the Faces of SNAME.  If you’re maritime, you fit into this spectrum in at least one place, and this means SNAME is the right place for you. 

SNAME recently queried its membership on the real-dollar value of the individual features of membership. The numbers show the average value, as determined by our members.

If you have the desire to grow the industry, grow your company, and grow your career, here are some ways SNAME can help you:

  • Networking: (USD 4,000)
  • Leadership Opportunities – Local and International: (USD 2,417)
  • Access to Senior Members & Mentoring: (USD 1,717)
  • Prestige Through SNAME Fellow Status: (USD 1,260)
  • International Community Access: (USD 1,080)
  • Forum for Transcending Toward Significance: (USD 833)
  • Access to Additional Industry-Related Disciplines: (USD 478)
  • Access to SNAME Headquarters Staff: (USD 278)
  • CEU/PDH: (USD 250)

SNAME members have spoken, and they say that for every dollar spent on membership, they receive USD 78 value in return. 

**The above information was gathered in 2016 through qualitative research focus group methodology. Sampling: focus group research conducted at six of the eighteen SNAME Sections.

Join SNAME - Membership is a Solid Decision

Membership Dues

Membership Dues
Student Members $35.00
Professionals Under 25 $59.00*
Professionals 26-28 $91.00*
Professionals 29-31 $123.00*
Professionals 32 and Over $186.00*
65 and Older (With at least 10 years of membership) $93.00*

* There is an additional $20 mailing charge for members outside of North America.

Types of Memberships

  • Member
  • Associate Member
  • Student Member


In order to join as a Member individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • A graduate of a recognized institution with a minimum of 5 years of industry experience with at least 2 years in responsible charge of work.
  • An individual who is not a graduate of a recognized institution shall have had not less than 9 years of industry experience with at least 2 years in responsible charge of work.
  • Provide 3 references from people who can personally attest to the individual's professional qualifications. The references do not need to be members of SNAME.

If you meet these requirements complete a Member Application today.